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Check Out Pricing For Our Services.

Hover over each service for more information.
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Academic Coaching (K-12)

This is the per hour package for students who need assistance with light organization and fine tuning executive functioning skills.


Academic Coaching Package (K-12)

This coaching program addresses each students individual academic concerns and addresses issues related to time management, study skills, organization, and other executive functioning strategies. This package allows two one-hour sessions per week to devise a personal plan of action.


Academic College Coaching Package

This is the same package as the Academic Coaching Package, but at a discounted rate to allow college students an affordable opportunity to exceed in their educational journey.


Subject Tutoring (K-College)

This is best for students that need help in a specific subject.


Subject Tutoring Package (K-College)

This package is the same as Subject Tutoring, but at a discounted rate for families that want to save some money with scheduling consistency.


Career Coaching Package

This career package entails getting the support, help, and guidance you need to reach your ultimate career goals. This can include resume/CV assistance, interview preparation, career discovery, and much more. This package allows two 30-minute sessions each week to devise a personalized career plan.


Resume Revamp

Our flat rate resume revamping fee. This service is perfect if you're looking to freshen up your resume, but feel confident in your other skills. No matter what stage you are in with your resume, the rate never changes!


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