Premier Online and In-Person Tutoring Services in Lexington and Richmond, Kentucky
Tutoring and Academic Coaching
Smith Learning Services offers a range of tutoring and academic coaching services designed to support students in their educational journey. We provide personalized plans to help students succeed academically and prepare for future challenges.
Convenient Learning Options
Flexible Online Learning
Our online tutoring services harness the power of platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams to provide convenience and flexibility to your learning experience. Whether you prefer online learning or in-person sessions, our tutoring services are customized to your individual requirements.
Personalized Support
Our experienced tutors are dedicated to providing personalized support that caters to your learning style and pace. With a focus on interactive sessions, real-time feedback, and engaging resources, our tutoring services are designed to make your learning experience as effective and enjoyable as possible, whether online or in-person.
Comprehensive Skill Development
Beyond Academics
We recognize that skill development plays a pivotal role in a student's educational journey. That's why, at Smith Learning Services, our focus extends beyond academic support to encompass comprehensive skill development. Our tutoring services go beyond subject matter expertise, addressing essential skills such as problem-solving, time management, and executive functioning, regardless of your preferred learning mode.
Lifelong Learning
Our objective is to equip students with the tools they need not only for academic success but also for lifelong learning and personal growth, whether you choose online or in-person tutoring. We believe that tutoring services should empower students to become independent and self-directed learners.
Proven Effectiveness
Tailored Instruction
In addition to academic support and skill development, we take pride in our proven effectiveness in delivering tailored instruction that yields positive results. Our experienced tutors work closely with students to identify strengths and weaknesses, providing targeted guidance to overcome academic hurdles, whether online or in-person.
Strategic Planning
Our planning sessions ensure a strategic approach to your learning, enabling us to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to maximize your success, whether you opt for online or in-person tutoring. We believe that effective tutoring services require a proactive and adaptive approach.
Get Started Today
Our personalized service options are available to families in Lexington and Richmond, Kentucky. Contact us today to embark on your educational journey with Smith Learning Services for both online and in-person tutoring.
FREE Pre-ETS Services
Creating Access to Successful Employment
Smith Learning Services offers FREE Pre-Employment Transitional Services (Pre-ETS) for students who:
Are between the ages of 14-21
Are enrolled in school
Have a documented disability (i.e., 504/IEP, ADHD, Autism, physical disability, or doctor documentation)
Interested in enrolling or have questions? Contact us to receive our referral form. Each student will receive a consultation and an individualized plan.

Pre-ETS Services Offered:
Functionality You Will Love
Work Based Learning
Connects school experiences to real-life applications and opportunities.
Examples of Activities:
Finding internships, job shadowing, or volunteer opportunities
Developing professional resumes
Providing interview preparation
Job Exploration
Provides an opportunity to gain information about various careers and skill requirements.
Examples of Activities:
Conducting interest inventories and career assessments
Exploring traditional & non-traditional career pathways
Workplace Readiness
Post-Secondary Counseling
Offers information on course offerings, career options, and the types of academic and occupational training needed to succeed in the workplace.
Examples of Activities:
College admissions and application assistance
FAFSA assistance
504/IEP assistance
ACT/SAT/GRE preparation
High school transition and college preparation
Self-Advocacy Skills
Enhances the ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate, or assert one’s interests and desires.
Examples of Activities:
Assisting with school accommodations
Educating about disability rights & responsibilities
Building self-awareness & self-advocacy skills
Develops essential skills and behaviors necessary for any job.
Examples of Activities:
Tutoring with real-world applications of school material
Teaching executive functioning skills and learning styles
Planning and goal-setting
Improving communication & interpersonal skills
Financial literacy & job-seeking skills
Here are just a glimpse of some of the skills your student will master during your sessions:
Study Skills and Remote Learning Strategies
Time Management
Self-Seeking Educational Resources
Writing Skills
Executive Functioning Skills
and many more!
Academic Coaching - $50/hr or $350/month
This coaching program addresses each student's academic concerns and crucial executive functioning skills needed to be academically successful. Skills can include time management, organization, planning, study skills, and much more. These skills will be incorporated into the student's course work to use direct application. The package price includes two 45-minute sessions per week working towards educational goals.
This is the same package as the Academic Coaching Package, but at a discounted rate to allow college students an affordable opportunity to exceed in their educational journey.
Online/In home Subject Tutoring (K-College) - $40/hr or $280/month
Subject tutoring incorporates work directly focused on the subject at hand, we offer all subjects including honors, dual credit, and AP coursework as well as college courses. You will work one-on-one with a tutor that will assist in the active learning of course content using relevant examples and assist in completing homework assignments, project, and/or papers. For in-home tutoring We prioritize client convenience by offering flexible meeting locations, whether at their home or a local library. Presently, our in-person services are available exclusively in Kentucky.
This is the same package as the Academic Coaching Package, but at a discounted rate to allow college students an affordable opportunity to exceed in their educational journey.